Going Flying - Again
It's been a few years since I last took flying lessons. I had about 13
hours before I suspended (not quit) due to the lack of blocks of time
to take and stick with lessons. But I've got some time available
now, so I've started up again. Now at Sikorsky Airport in
Bridgeport/Stratford. A couple of weeks before this, I did a
first lesson to get reacquainted with flying and see how much I need to
relearn. Turns out a lot of it came right back. So on this day,
we took the opportunity of nice weather to bring some family and
friends along in a complex, high-performance Cherokee Six for a flight
along the Connecticut shore. It's always a nice day to fly...
This was particularly fun because it was my first flight out of the
We took off from BDR and headed mostly east along the shore. The
300 hp engine made it an easy climb. But I found holding right
rudder was hard, and after the 1.6 hour flight my leg was sore. It will
pass. The airport is off the wing.

Here I am at the controls. There's a lot more to keep an eye on
in this plane, which is beautiful, comfortable and high-tech. Note the
GPS moving map display.

Another view of BDR behind us.

Here's a better view of the panel. We're headed toward Groton
Airport (KGON), where we hope to get clearance to descend over the sub
base and then go south toward Fisher's Island.

The Thimble Islands, off Branford/Guilford.

Long Island is on our right.

A nice day for sailing.

A view up the Connecticut River.

Here we are in Groton.

The airport. They gave us clearance to descend and head north up the
river, then we wanted to turn around and go south.

Here's Groton with the two indian casinos in the distance.

A better shot of Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun.

I don't know what all these buildings are, because I didn't take the
pictures - I was flying.

Some ferries, I think to Block Island and beyond.

The Coast Guard Academy is out here, and here's their field.

Dad's enjoying himself.

The sub base.

There's only one sub visible - maybe there's more under the water.
We'll never know.

Some nice houses.

We flew over to Fisher's Island and did a low approach, and got some
nice pictures of the pretty lighthouse.

Staying focused, looking for traffic...

We then flew down the North Shore to Calverton airport, a private one
used for skydivers. There was one plane dropping them out, but you
can't see them in this picture. Calverton used to be where
Grumman aircraft were built, and it's a very large airport.

Heading across the sound back to Bridgeport. See the GPS?

Coming in on approach, 10% flaps.

We all had a great time. Can't wait for more!