Exhibition Information - May, 2006

"Women's Lessons and Amusements"

Education, not only writing and reading but also lessons of the flower arrangement, tea ceremony rituals, incense burning, and traditional tunes for singing and dancing became popular with commoners in the Edo era because of the establishment of several schools and the appearance of Terakoya (private educational institutions for the children.)Since some specialties were deemed as advantages for women when they go to warriorfs houses as apprentices, the number of women taking lessons.As various types of amusements were appeared at that time, women enjoy going on jaunts.

Ukiyo-e lively showed these women with the manners and customs of that time. In this exhibition, we exhibit the work gThe Six Accomplishments of Womenh by Chobunsai Eishi, who was the comparable artist to Kitagawa Utamaro for bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women) and gVisiting a Ceremonial Exhibition of the Buddhist Image at Enoshima Benzaiten Shrine in Sagami Provinceh, dynamic expression of Utagawa Hiroshige.

Please enjoy Womenfs lessons and amusements in the Edo era through about seventy works.

The term of this exhibition : May 2nd(Tue.) - 26th(Fri.) '06

¦ See this page for the detail of the Admission fees and Opening Hours for May.

Main Works in May

Yoshu Chikanobu

"Real Beauties: Calligraphy"

Chobunsai Eishi

"The Six Accomplishments of Women: Tea Ceremony"

Chobunsai Eishi

"The Six Accomplishments of Women: Flower Arrangement"

Utagawa Hiroshige

"Visiting a Ceremonial Exhibition of the Buddhist Image at Enoshima Benzaiten Shrine in Sagami Province"

Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art

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