Wednesday, September 15

Hi Jen!

It's been a long trip, but we're finally at our last stop - Sydney New South Wales, where Jen has been going to school since the end of June.  We get a few days with her before we come home.  Maybe we'll see Australian Catholic University , maybe see where Jen works (woo hoo work!) and see the sights.  Some we saw before, and would like to see again.  And we'll see some new things, no doubt.

Check out our pages on Sydney from 2001:   May 6, 2001       May 7, 2001         May 8, 2001

And, despite what the weather forecast tells you, it will be raining from September 15 to 18.  (See the May 8, 2001 story above for details)

And for those keeping track of these things, we go to Sydney on QF923, arriving 2:45 PM.  And we're staying at the ultra-luxurious Park Regis Sydney, 27 Park Street.  We understand the really excellent bakery next door was shut down due to socialist anarchists, so we will have to find our breakfast in other places...

Today we flew from Cairns to Sydney, where Jen is going to school.  Tonight we ate at a very cool restaurant in The Rocks area of Sydney, called "Lowenbrau", named for the German beer.  It's very cool because they have a resident oom-pah band that sings, plays, performs German folk dances, songs on tuned cowbells, and then gets the patrons involved in a cowbell concert, beer-drinking contest, and the chicken dance.  Jen showed her until-now unknown performing ability by being the dominant cowbell for "Edelweiss".  We had great food - Jen had  Chicken Schnitzel chips and herb mayonnaise, Mom had a veal dish and I had Zurich veal with spatzen, homemade noodles.  Yum! 

Tomorrow we're off to see "Australia's Grand Canyon", in the town of Katoomba.
All text content and images on this and any and all subpages, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright (c) 2004,  Alex Kuhn